Monday, 8 August 2011

Select Your Energy

I’ll be honest, last week was tough! A few rough days a work, priorities shifting (without asking me first!), exercise regime falling by the wayside, a healthy diet non existent and moments with my family miniscule.

I was discussing this with a very good friend of mine who told me to take a step back and “select my energy” for the day. Make time for things that are a priority, then everything else will fall into place. This really hit home for me as my priority is our family, making sure my little man and husband (who is currently nursing a broken collar bone) are OK. I also have a commitment to my job, I love what I do, however it was one of those weeks where everything just seemed to be falling on top of me; I couldn’t breathe under a mountain of clients, paperwork, phone calls, emails & meetings! How do you juggle two very important parts of your life making sure everything and everyone is being attended to 100%!?

Yes, it seems that what I am saying is neither too happy nor pretty, however I think the most important thing I have taken from last week, is that we MUST take time to remember what makes us smile and what inspires us, as this will help us get through all of those moments that seem too hard!

So, I have made a promise to myself, that when the little things are getting on top of me, I will take a step back, take a deep breathe, look at what’s in front of me, select how my energy can be best spent and just tackle each day as best I can!

Some images which have set me on a positive path this week…..

Images: 1. In Spaces Between 2. Tropical NSW 3. The Lane 4. Oscar & I 5. In Spaces Between 6. Evan & I on our wedding day 7. Pinterest 8. Pinterest 9. Pinterest 10. Weheartit


  1. love it Kate xxxx

  2. Weronika Nicoletti9 August 2011 at 19:32

    You are so beautiful Kate...I love you dearly and will always be here for you my friend! As I know you will be here for me.
    Life test us sometimes to ensure we remember to appreciate the little things in life...the little things, that are the most important! Mwaaah! Mwaaaah!

  3. I love your blog! We need more positive blogs out there...and, yes, some weeks we just have to remind ourselves how lucky we are!! Kisses to Oscar

  4. Thank you so much for your lovely comments ladies!! Really appreciate it!! xxx

  5. Beautiful words of wisdom!! Love you xxxx
